Nicholas Novak

Hello! I'm currently a student at Occidental College getting my degree in Computer Science and Economics.

I'm primarily interested in how computers work, low-level programming, and distributed systems, but in the past I've also built websites, made some attempts at games, and wrote a transpiler.

Other than this, check out my element collection


  • java2go transpiler
    • 2021-2022
    • Written to convert between Java and Go source code, covers most of the Java 8 spec
    • Started off with a manual parser, and after multiple false starts, eventually settled on tree-sitter which was much more maintainable
    • Great learning experience for Go and Java, ended up using Go's native AST generation commands
  • QuACS at OXY
    • 2020-???
    • Course planner designed to make the class sign-up process at Occidental College better
    • Worked with the developers of an existing open-source project QuACS, and integrated it with data from Oxy
    • Decently successful, reached ~5% of the student population, and I use it every semester

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